Saturday, September 27, 2008

Biggest douche's in sports media

Alright here's the inaugural post on the fire John Canzano blog. First off this post will begin with a broad topic discussing who are the most annoying sports media members nationally.

Top five annoying sports media people are:

5. Stephen A. Smith

Seriously stick to basketball, we don't need you on First Take in the morning.

4. Jim Rome

Rome is burning is absolutely terrible and this is what I'm burning about.

3. Lou Holtz

Please stop being a Notre Dame homer. You haven't coached there since the mid 90's and there comes a point when old people need to leave gracefully.

2. Jay Mariotti

This was a hard pick at number two, he easily could've been number one. How ironic is it that he quits the Chicago Sun-Times bagging on writing for the so-called old media newspaper and now he's supposedly trying to get a job with the Chicago Tribune. Once a douche always a douche.

1. Drumroll please..............Skip Bayless

When you turn on ESPN First take and you listen to this guy speak you have to wonder what's ESPN thinking? From his constant backing of Brett Favre during the training camp situation to wanting to fire everyone if they lose a game, this guy seriously needs to be shit-canned. More on the personal side his voice irritates the hell out of me and that's not the first thing I want to hear in the morning.

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